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Julien and his sister, Evelyn, are very good friends.

They would make a great pairing.

We feel they would miss each other if separated.


Colour:              DSH Orange Tabby

Born Approx:     May 1, 2023

Gender:             Neutered Male, microchipped


In the summer of 2023, a couple living in a town near Lethbridge grew concerned when they observed that a homeless young mother-cat and her three kittens had taken refuge under a neighbour's front step. The little mom we named Emori, had lost part of her rear right leg due to some type of catastrophic injury, which made providing for her youngsters quite impossible. The couple and the neighbour started feeding the little family, and contacted rescue-groups. Regardless of capacity issues, PAW decided to make a special effort to trap the injured female and her offspring. With the indispensable help of the same couple, the Society was able to capture the kittens and, eventually, their mother. The orange boy – now named Julien – entered the trap first, true to the couple’s description of him as "super curious". His sisters, Klarra (since adopted) and Evelyn, followed a day later and Emori (also adopted) soon after.


Julien may be curious but we are even more curious. It was the first time we had trapped unsocialised kittens of that age (five months when rescued) where one of them was so open to being handled. It took very little time for him to settle into his new, indoor life (with his sisters, of course). Even now, his favourite activity is still running - up and down the hallway, the stairwell, the cat furniture and through the tunnel and cube. Evelyn likes to join in. They have a lot of fun together and they don't seem to disagree on anything! Julien plays with little fuzzy mice, springs and sponge balls, and enjoys a string toy being flung and a laser pointer. Like many rescued cats, he still startles a bit at unfamiliar noises but recovers quickly. He very much enjoys when his foster providers make time for him and invite him onto their lap. He loves attention and affection and at bedtime settles across the foot of the humans' bed. He doesn't stay there all night because there's always something to investigate - like, what his sister is up to. Julien is a wonderful, young fellow, sure to bring along his exceptionally happy disposition wherever he goes.

[OF NOTE: In early 2024, Julien had a bladder blockage. It was caught early, he recovered very well and has had no recurrences. Perhaps it was the addition of three new foster cats around that same time that caused him some stress, but more likely it was what he had been eating. Even though it was a good quality food, we think it likely contained an ingredient he could not tolerate. Nevertheless, the three newbies were soon adopted which made his foster home a bit quieter, and now he eats a variety of high quality kibble: Open Farm Turkey, Orijen Regional Red and his favourite - Royal Canin Multicare C/D (veterinary diet). He's lost a bit of weight since his urinary issue which is a good thing as he was a little chunky. He doesn't eat as much wet food as we'd like but he does drink from a water fountain. Fountains are a great way to encourage a cat to drink - hydration is important for ALL cats' urinary health.

If you would like to inquire about Julien, please submit an inquiry here.


"I is a pretzel, see?"

Sleepy boy

About 5 months

Just a few days after Julien arrived in his foster home (4 months)