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Evelyn and her brother, Julien, get along very well.

They would make a great pairing.

Although we haven't designated them a 'bonded pair', we do feel Evelyn would be sad if Julien were to be

adopted without her.


Colour:              DSH Tortoiseshell

Born Approx:   May 1, 2023

Gender:            Spayed Female, microchipped


In the summer of 2023, a couple living in a town near Lethbridge grew concerned when they observed that a homeless young mother-cat and her three kittens had taken refuge under a neighbour's front step. The little mom we named Emori, had lost part of her rear right leg due to some type of catastrophic injury, which made providing for her youngsters quite impossible. The couple and the neighbour started feeding the little family, and contacted rescue-groups. Regardless of capacity issues, PAW decided to make a special effort to trap the injured female and her offspring. With the indispensable help of the same couple, the Society was able to capture the kittens and, eventually, their mother. The orange boy – now named Julien – entered the trap first, true to the couple’s description of him as "super curious". His sisters, Klarra (since adopted) and Evelyn, followed a day later and Emori (also adopted) soon after.


Pretty Evelyn was always a little shyer than her siblings; however, she is a tortoiseshell after all and they are known for their intelligence. With intelligence, comes caution and evaluation. After the two little girls' rescue, they were handled as much as possible. It paid off quickly. If Evelyn was on a cat tree, or a raised surface, she was okay with being picked up for a cuddle. Now, her foster mom can pick her up from above. But your approach must be slow and respectful. Her foster mom speaks to her in a very soft voice - almost a whisper. Evelyn likes that. She will come onto foster mom's lap (when it's free of other cats) and enjoy a snuggle. She likes to be groomed (a great way to create a bond). Your reward will be her soft, sweet purrs.

Evelyn is active! Every morning she, her brother and younger siblings (before they were adopted) play Indy500. She also enjoys playing with a string toy (with a person on the other end) and stick-handling balls and springs. Her favourite toy was a decapitated furry mouse without the plastic inner body - only the outer covering remains - it's so funny! But the darned little thing went missing and she's never found a replacement - even when foster mom took apart another little furry mouse, it was just never the same. Evelyn is a good eater and eagerly awaits her breakfast and dinner. Tortoiseshell cats bond deeply with their person but they generally like everyone in their family. Naturally, she has bonded with her foster family but the goal is for her to have very own person - that's what she most deserves. She and her brother, Julien, get along very well (they've never even had a minor squabble) and would make an ideal pairing. She also lives with two small dogs (who do not chase) and does fine with them.

It truly is a gratifying experience to socialize little cats who have never had a home. Time and patience are the tools to help them become accustomed to any new situation. All young cats, but especially shyer ones, need your time, especially as they get used to a new home. Playing with them, brushing, nail trimming, picking up and handling are all ways to make them feel welcomed.

If you would like to inquire about Evelyn, please do so by clicking here.