We said goodbye to Inky on April 3, 2020, one month shy of sixteen years of age. She became ill towards the end of March, presenting with several symptoms. The vet thought Inky had been injured by another cat. A treatment plan was devised and supportive care provided. Despite all of that, she continued to decline over the next two weeks. At the end, it was felt the cause was more likely something from which she could not recover, probably cancer. Inky was a special little girl, a very good cat. She asked for little and gave a lot. Caregivers of multiples always feel some amount of failure when a dear little cat leaves but the hope is that Inky knew she was loved. Now, a gentle little cat spirit who can see all things clearly, I hope she will be waiting at the Bridge for her people and friends. ~Audrey
Color: DSH Black with few white hairs on chest
Age: Born May 1, 2004
Gender: Spayed Female
Inky came into the PAW foster system at about about five weeks of age. She and her sister were the only surviving kittens from a little mom living under a shed behind the Soup Kitchen (way back in early June 2004). The staff at the kitchen had been feeding them, but they could see the mom wasn't well and days later realized the kittens, now only two, were on their own. We suspect she had Feline Leukemia because soon after Inky and her sister were rescued, the sister died. When we tested Inky, it showed a mild positive for FeLk (she went on to test negative six months). But that was just one of Inky's troubles. She was also diagnosed with a blood parasite and so, at the tender young age of eight weeks, was put on a very powerful antibiotic and steroids. The treatment eradicated the parasite but caused her to go almost completely blind.
After a couple of years, with no adoption prospects in sight, PAW decided it was in her best interests to stay permanently with her foster family. She gets around and jumps just as well as any sighted cat. She's a feisty girl around some of her feline roommates and fast friends with others. When it comes to her humans, all are her favourites. She is very affectionate and loves to be touched and held and enjoys what lap time she can get it. Inky can see shadows and sense movement around her. She especially enjoys jumping up and trying to grab hand shadows on a wall. She can also track and play with a ball - as long as it has a bell inside.
Inky in the foreground, Myka, one of her foster brothers, behind.