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It is with broken hearts that we share this news. Our beloved protector, Aaron, passed away on April 29, 2024.

When Aaron was returned to PAW in 2009, he came to my home to be fostered. He was three years old. It soon became apparent that he would be with us permanently. We worked hard to gain his trust and, very, very slowly, he began to let down his guard. His inner circle grew to include second 'mommies', Katrina and Roxanne and, as the years went by, a few other special people including all of my human family.

Aaron's ability and strong desire to physically demonstrate his extraordinarily big love for his chosen few never waned. We cherished having this boy in our home, our loyal little friend, for fifteen years. Rest easy, dear Aaron, one day you'll be in my arms again. ~Audrey

Our friend, James, wrote a beautiful poem capturing Aaron's life:

Aaron was for long a

work in progress.

Given up by those who

adopted him, those who

then cared for him

did not give up.

For years, different brushes

and various strokes were applied, until at last

Aaron became the cat he was always meant to be.

A beloved masterpiece.



Colour:              DLH Gray
Born:                 Approx.  Sept. 9, 2006
Gender:            Neutered Male

UPDATE: Early 2024: Aaron's health is failing. His veterinarian suspects intestinal lymphoma or late stage IBD. He is not in pain and is being watched carefully. He has a very good appetite and is on various mediations to help him. He continues to be himself, big personality and all.

UPDATE: In mid 2022, Aaron developed a wobbly gait. Xrays and bloodwork were normal, nothing explained why he was having difficulty walking. Anti-inflammatory and pain meds were prescribed but neither made for any improvement. Next, we tried Solensia to treat possible arthritis, but it caused unpleasant side affects. Later that year, Aaron was diagnosed with diabetes. He now receives insulin injections twice a day and, although his gait is no better, and he remains under weight, he is stable in all other ways including a good appetite.


In the fall of 2006, five week old orphan, Aaron, was taken out of the city animal shelter by PAW. A few short weeks after that he was adopted by a family. Sadly, three years later, he was returned to PAW. They said he was aggressive.


They were right. He was aggressive. He was placed in the home of one of our experienced foster providers. She was determined to figure him out. For several weeks, she learned to just observe as he was quick to show anger if she tried to interact with him. His displeasure was shown by lunging, clawing and biting. It didn't take long for Aaron to figure out who lived there and who did not. Foster  mom discovered that his negative behaviour was caused by his highly protective nature and lashing out was saved for people he didn't know. So, a few simple strategies were developed. When Aaron was triggered (even by other cats), he was spoken to in a calm, soft voice, his name repeatedly spoken. This always gave him pause. And when visitors arrived, he was immediately put into the home office. His well being always came first and it became clear that, for his own protection, Aaron should probably remain a permanent foster. It took several years for Aaron to become less of a guard cat but far fewer years to become a beloved family member.

Aaron has turned out to be a wonderful fellow (very smart - as sensitive cats always are). He is affectionate to a fault and has become a true and loyal friend to both family members and regular visitors. He is closely bonded with his foster mom and when she isn't available to cuddle, he crawls up on foster dad's chest.